Does Relenta provide spam and anti-virus protection?

We offer both spam-filtering and anti-virus protection to our paying customers. Only email accounts ( are protected. If you are using Relenta to download email from remote IMAP or POP servers, then spam and anti-virus protection are the responsibility of your email service provider. If your POP or IMAP email provider doesn’t offer spam filtering,…

What is the Response Library?

The Response Library consists of templates that can be automatically inserted into the body of email. When the number of responses in your library exceeds twenty, the dropdown selector will be automatically replaced with a search box. Simply start typing the first few letters and select the desired response from the instant autosuggestion list. Response…

What is an Invoice?

Invoice is a type of Activity. Currently this feature requires that you have an account with FreshBooks. Once you activate the Freshbooks add-on, you can import contacts and invoices. Invoices appear as line-items on Contact Timeline, interspersed with other activities in chronological order. Click on Sync with FreshBooks to update invoices with the latest information.…

How do I use Email API to create and update contacts?

The Email API allows you to create and update contacts by including specially formatted code in the body of email received in Relenta: ### BEGIN CREATE CONTACT ### API_KEY: EMAIL: FULL_NAME: FIRST_NAME: LAST_NAME: JOB_TITLE: COMPANY: CONTACT_COMMENTS: PHONE(LABEL): WEBSITE(LABEL): MESSENGER(LABEL): FAX(LABEL): CUSTOM_FIELD(FIELD_NAME): ADDRESS(LABEL):#START# #END# TEXT(LABEL):#START# #END# BLOCK NAME|PHONE(LABEL): GROUPS: {comma-delimited list of group IDs} OPTIONS: {overwrite/update/cancel}…

How do I export my account data?

You can export all contacts by going to the top Contacts tab and clicking Export. To export individual groups, navigate to that group, then click Export. To export your activities in iCalendar format, click Export on Calendar view. At this time only we can export your emails and files, and will do so upon your…