What are the different ways to create new contacts?

There are six distinct ways you can create new contacts in Relenta. To create a contact manually, click on + sign or Create new contact from email. You can add Message Filters that will create new contacts from email based on the criteria you define (for example, if subject contains the words “contact form”). A…

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What are Message Filters?

Message filters allow you to do a number of things with incoming emails based on the criteria you define. For example, you can automatically create a contact from incoming email, move email to another folder, assign contact to an autoresponder email campaign, trigger an auto-reply, etc.

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What are shared files?

You can upload any number of files or documents to each department that will be shared among your team. Shared files can be attached to messages without having to upload the file from your local hard drive every time you compose an email.

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Does Relenta provide spam and anti-virus protection?

We offer both spam-filtering and anti-virus protection to our paying customers. Only email accounts (your-name@relenta.net) are protected. If you are using Relenta to download email from remote IMAP or POP servers, then spam and anti-virus protection are the responsibility of your email service provider. If your POP or IMAP email provider doesn’t offer spam filtering,…

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