What are Categories and Groups?

One of the ways to organize your contact database in Relenta is to use Contact Groups. They are are hierarchically organized into Categories and can be managed in Settings > Contact Groups. In the left vertical Groups tab, you can collapse categories for compact view, and drag-and-drop to reorder the display sequence. This is done…


What is the difference between Groups and Tags?

Contact Groups don’t change much over time and remain more or less constant for your business. They can have hierarchy and be organized into categories. While in theory you can create as many groups as you’d like, they are limited in number from the practical standpoint. Having too many will make the list too long…


How do I create Custom Fields?

You can create any number of custom contact fields that are unique for your business. There are five types: Number Text Date Single choice Multiple choice Go to Settings > Custom Fields. You can drag-and-drop to change the order in which custom fields are displayed.


How does contact merge work?

Go to the first contact, click Edit and then Merge button. Search for the second contact to merge with. Name, job title, company, and custom fields of the second contact will be overwritten by information from the first contact. All other contact fields will be added up.


Where do the contact pictures come from?

The contact picture (a.k.a. avatar) may be pulled from a number of different sources. The first choice is Gravatar, a service which lets anyone to upload their avatars. Gravatars are identified by person’s email address, so if the contact email is a match, we will use that picture. If no Gravatar image is available, we…


What is a Contact Timeline?

Relenta automatically generates a timeline for each contact. It includes all sent and received email, completed and pending tasks, notes and files, invoices, and pending and scheduled email marketing templates. You can open each line-item for preview without leaving the page. The Contact Timeline is shared among your team in real time. This puts everybody…


How do I assign multiple contacts to groups?

To mass assign contacts to groups, follow these steps: Select contacts from the list using checkboxes Click the Groups button Select the target groups Click the Assign button Note: if you don’t select any contacts from the list in Step 1, then all of them will be assigned to selected groups.
